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The Potter's Hands

Six Years and Counting the Blessings....

Sit back, close your eyes and imagine in your mind the most important government building in your country. In Canada, this would be Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Ontario and in the USA, this would be the White House or the House of Representatives in Washington. Now, surround that building with five to ten city blocks of businesses and apartment buildings. Now, fill these places with 100,000 people, most them critically poor, a few rich people, and an almost non-existent middle class. Place one of the world's largest Jewish populations beside these city blocks and you have what is known in Buenos Aires as "Congreso." It is the seat of the Government of all Argentina.

Congreso Parliament Building

On Sunday April 10, 2005 we planted "The Potter's Hands Christian Center" in this densely populated area only one block from the main government building under the direction of the Assemblies of God of Argentina. We are proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ by working one on one and making disciples as Jesus commanded in Matthew 28:19.

Our goal is to plant a strong thriving gospel church in this dark area of the city. Please pray as we begin to consider purchasing a building and as we continue to be a light in the darkness.


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